Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Things Fall Apart: Chapter 9

This chapter starts out with Ekwefi running in and telling Okonkwo that Ezinma is dying. Of course this is just an exaggeration she only has a fever (well atleast that is all I think it is). The reason Ekwefi is so scared is because she lost nine other children during childbirth, and Ezinma means the whole world to Ekwefi. I believe that if this is more than just a fever, that Ekwefi will not recover and could actually take her own life because of all the grief. Okonkwo once again shows some emotion and goes to find a medicine man. Now this is the weird part, the medicine man tells Okonkwo that their problem is a "ogbanje". A ogbanje is a "evil" child that enters the mother's womb only to die over and over, so the "ogbanje" cause a great deal of emotional stress. Of course, this "ogbanje" theory is just completely ridiculous, but in a way its shows the reader a great deal of how they thought back then. Instead of thinking that it is just a cold or something they think that it is a spirit of some kind. The most disturbing thing about this chapter is when the medicine man mutilates Ekwefi's third child to ward off the spirit. I think that whole step just completely skipped the good part and went to the bad. That was just completely uncalled for. If Ezinma would happen to die, I believe that their whole family would fall apart.

1 comment:

Irish said...

Achebe already killed off the step son, so killing Okonkwo's favorite daughter Ezinma is not out of the question. It grips the reader, and I don't know about you, but I was expecting something really bad to happen.

The "ogbanje" is simply superstition at its worst. By today's medical standards we can see how primitive this tribe really is. I can see you make the connection when you wrote: "...but in a way its shows the reader a great deal of how they thought back then."

Luckily they find the stone and she lives. Only later to be whisked away to the Oracle's cave, where we never learn what goes on there?

Mr. Farrell