Thursday, February 7, 2008

Things Fall Apart: Chapter 21

Chapter twenty-one starts out describing how Christianity has been coming a lot more popular. Mr. Brown is kind of like the new leader of the village Umuofia in my opinion. I believe that Mr. Brown does a great deal of good for this village. He builds a hospital, school, and has set up trading posts. Not only did he potentially save peoples lives with the new hospital, but he also is bringing a lot of money into the village. Mr. Brown also tells Okonkwo that his son Nwoye is attending a school for teachers. This enrages Okonkwo. I do not think that it was a good idea that Mr. Brown said that to Okonkwo, I am surprised that he was not killed. Okonkwo has become very disappointed in his people because of how womanish they have become. First they let the whites stay, then they are now joining their church, schools, supporting their hospital, and trading posts. As far as trying to get the villagers to learn how to read and write, I agree with that 100%. I think that it is very important to be able to communicate especially if people of a different culture will be coming to the village wanting to trade or something like that. I feel bad for Okonkwo because when ever he returned to the village it was like no one had even noticed that he was ever gone. I believe that the village will become more like the white people.

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