Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Things Fall Apart: Chapter 10

This chapter to me seemed very strange. Although once again this chapter shows a lot about the African culture. This chapter starts out with a ceremonial gathering which seemed to me have something to do with their justice system. Anyway this ceremony is basically about their ancestors, known as the "egwugwu"(lol, egwugwu, what a funny word haha). This ceremony is where the ancestors come back as masked men. For some reason this instills fear into the women and children even though, I think that they know its just ordinary men. The first case that came before the edwugwu, is a man who was beating his wife. Because he was beating his wife, her brothers came and laid down the law (lol, how he had that comin). After the brothers gave Uzowulu a taste of his own medicine, they took away his wife and children. If Uzowulu was ever to get back his wife he had to promise to never beat her again, and if he did he was going to lose his manhood. The ancestors vote on behalf of Mgbafo (Uzowulu's wife). After I read this chapter I felt bad for Mgbafo and Uzowulu. The only reason I feel bad for Uzowulu is because of his punishment if it ever happens again, I mean thats just low, and how they singled him out. Overall this chapter basically just showed African culture.

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