Thursday, February 7, 2008

Things Fall Apart: Chapter 22

In this chapter the village receives a new Reverend. The Reverend is known as James Smith. Smith unlike Brown demands total submission to the bible. He does not believe in Brown's tolerant practices. The people of the village are becoming much more Christian. One man named Enoch, unmasks a egwugwu, which is like a huge no, no. So the egwugwu burn down his whole compound. They then approach the church and tell them that they are going to burn it down to cleanse their village of the evil sin that Enoch has brought upon them. Though the Reverend at first refuses to let them burn down the church. Though, he later steps aside afraid that they become violent. I do not agree with how they handled the whole unmasking part. I think that it was just completely uncalled for them to burn down the church. I think that if the white people keep standing in the way of some of the people that the story could turn violent. Although, as of now, the story seems as though more and more people will convert to Christianity.

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