Sunday, February 3, 2008

Things Fall Apart: Chapter 6

Chapter six is all about the wrestling matches, and says almost virtually nothing about Okonkwo and his family. This chapter goes into great detail about how these wrestling matches were held. These drums start playing at about noon and continue until the wrestling matches are over. The wrestling matches do not begin until about evening. Everyone attends these wrestling matches. The matches start out with younger wrestlers (ages 15-16), and then rise to the older fighters. The older fighters are what the people are most interested in. The fighter would dance over to the other team and choose an opponent and then dance back to the middle are wrestle. Since this chapter is just basically about the wrestling it was hard think about things that I questioned because the chapter was basically self-explanatory. The only thing that I was curious about was if Okonkwo would maybe join in on a wrestling match to still prove that he is strong and able to fight. Though at the end of the chapter it had not mentioned anything about it.

1 comment:

Garvey said...

Yea, this chapter may not reveal much about Okonkwo and his family, but it shows a great deal about their culture. These games appear to almost be their olympics... everyone goes. It was also something Okonkwo and his family have in common, they all love wrestling.