Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Things Fall Apart: Chapter 18

This chapter starts out describing how the Christian church is becoming much stronger and how it is gaining many members. In this chapter the church wants the people to shave their heads, but they believe that shaving their heads they would die. Well they ended up shaving their heads and nothing happened. This once again proves that the villagers gods and beliefs are all wrong. In this chapter some sacred python supposedly gets killed and there is this whole big ordeal about it. Just about now Okonkwo has had just about enough of these Christians and tries to get the elders to force them out by force. Well the elders decide to not force them out. So now it is getting close to Easter and the women of the church are sent out to get water to clean the church. When they returned with empty pots it is revealed that they where whipped by their husbands. I believe that , that was completely out of line to do that. If you believe in something different that does not mean that you should be punished or beaten because of that belief. This little Christian church begins to grow into almost a small community because it had gained so many members. I am guessing that almost the whole village will become Christian.

1 comment:

the sheeman said...

Eitehr that or all the christians will be killed. yeesh talk about your overreactions. it is a snake people. get over it. the guy doesnt claim to have done it on purpose anyway.