Thursday, February 7, 2008

Things Fall Apart: Chapter 24

Once Okonkwo and the others were released, the town holds a meeting and people from all of the nine villages come to hear what is going to happen. Okonkwo has already made up his mind of what he is going to do. Before he goes to the meeting he gets his war dress and some other gear and then hes off. During the meeting they were discussing how the church and white people have harmed the village. In the middle of the meeting messengers come and order a stop to the meeting. Well Okonkwo kills one man with his machete. By doing this he hoped to create a frenzy between the men of the nine villages and that they would go to war against the white people. Though unfortunately he gets the wrong response from the crowd. They let the rest of the messengers go. At this point I have no idea what is going to happen. One instance they want to go to war and then in another instance they do not. Well I still think that Okonkwo was justified in what he did. Since there is only one more chapter, I hope that they go to war because I want to see some action.

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