Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Things Fall Apart: Chapter 13

This chapter starts out with the village finding out about Ogbuefi Ezeudu's death. To tell the village they use a ekwe, which is a musical instrument of some sort. I found this pretty cool, considering that when something tragic happens you can normally hear like a fire siren or something going off. So I guess that a ekwe is like their fire siren lol. Because Ezeudu was a very great warrior his funeral was massive. This also relates to today in the fact, that if you have a lot of money you can throw more extravagant funeral/parties things like that, compared to if you did now have a lot of money. Another thing that relates to today, is when they play the drums and fire guns at the funeral. You see this happen at a soldiers funeral today. Like I guessed last chapter something bad happens, and this completely caught me off guard, it was almost kind of random. Okonkwo's gun accidentally explodes and kills Ezeud's sixteen year old son. After that happens Okonkwo's family is banished for seven years from the village and their buildings and animals are destroyed. At this point I believe that their justice system is all messed up and just as I thought that I figured out the book it completely changes. So now, I have no idea what is going to happen.

1 comment:

xoxsara said...

I thought it was very unexpected when Okonkwo's gun fires accidentally and kills the boy. I had no idea that that was going to happen.