Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Things Fall Apart: Chapter 1

Chapter one starts off explaining who Okonkwo was and how he became famous in the villages. Okonkwo became famous by defeating Amalinze the Cat, who has been undefeated for seven years. This great fight was won twenty years ago. Next the novel introduces Okonkwo father, Unoka. Okonkwo was always very disappointed in his father because of how lazy he was. Unoka also built up many large debts because of how he only spent his money on palm-wine. Okonkwo never liked his father, actually he almost despised him. Unoka died ten years ago. Next the story shifts back to Okonkwo and unlike his father he is doing very well for himself.


Irish said...

Don't thin of these journal entries as a report. I'm not interested in hearing each and every detail inside the chapter.

A slight introduction paragrahp or recap is fine, but what I'm really after is what did you THINK of? Your posts should focus on the 5 criteria I set at the following link:


Relate, connect, and predict things about what you read, rather than giving me dry facts of what your read. That is what I am after here.

Irish said...

Oh, Sorry,

Irish is my screen name.
This is Mr. Farrell BTW.


Garvey said...

I think the fact that his father was lazy and he really dislikes his father is going to play a very important role later in the story. Guess we'll find out.

Alaina said...

I think that the whole story of his father's life is important because tells why Okonkwo acts the way he does. I agree with Aaron; Okonkwo's hate for his father will probably play a part in the plot somewhere.