Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Things Fall Apart: Chapter 3

Chapter three goes more into detail on how Okonkwo earned his title and wealth. He started out share cropping and his first season of planting was very rough. There was either to little or too much rain, too little or too much sun. Some how Okonkwo worked his way through that season. I believe that one of the reasons he made it through was his determination and perseverance not to be like his father. I also believe that having to support his mother and siblings was also another reason he worked so hard that season to make ends meet. Something that I found weird was how they held conversations. Like how the person who brought the wine would drink it first to make sure it was ok to serve to the rest of the people at the meeting, then how they drank from oldest to youngest, and finally how they had their first wife drink first and then the rest drank in descending order. For the most part they are a pretty nice tribe, I mean how many people do you that would drink their own beverage before serving it to other people. The tribe is also a very hard working tribe, I believe that today we are losing a lot of hands on work, most of it is being done by robots now or in foreign nations. One thing that I do not understand is why they put people who had swelling of the limbs in the Forest of Evil to die, and they would not bury them. I do not understand why it was an abomination to them. I also thought it was funny when they took the one guy to the Forest and he walked back to his house, and they had to take him back again and tie him to a tree lol.


Sarah said...

I think his determination is what has gotten him through the majority of his past. A lot of people would have given up, but he didn't because he was determined to not be like his father. I don't know for sure, but I think they may have had the one who brought the wine drink it first to make sure it wasn't poisoned. I agree that today we do not do nearly as much hands on work.

Elaina said...

I felt bad when it kept raining on Okonkwo. He worked so hard and has so much patience, but a lot of things do not work out for him. He is a very hard worker and his whole tribe are intense farmer people, that seems like all they do. That was absurd how they made their wives drink last and only one at a time. O and the fact that they had to kneel just weird. I did not really understand the whole evil die thing either.. its confusing.

xoxsara said...

I agree that he is very determined also. I thought it was funny when they tied that guy to the tree too. haha

Irish said...

Okonkwo is a self made man. He's born out of poverty and his father's laziness, which deeply affected the man he'd later become. He fears laziness, and views his father as weak. He has dedicated his entire life to being everything his father is not.

The wine drinking custom is kind of weird, but so are many of our own customs weird to other cultures too. Obviously the older you are, the more respect it seems you have in this tribe.

As for the sick people being outcast into the forest to die, American Indians used to do the same sort of thing. The believed there was black magic or some sort of curse on the sick sometimes. If these people linger, they get more people sick. THey have no idea of infections and stuff like that. Primitive ways ='s primitive medicines.

You are doing better than before, keep at it.

Mr. Farrell